The "Types" page is designed for the determination of the types of files which are to be tested in the areas selected. In most of cases it is not necessary to test all the files, because viruses attack only some of them. It is for example useless to test the text files (files with the TXT extension), because even if there was a virus in them, the operating system will not allow it to start the text files, and thus the virus will never become active. By reducing the number of files to be tested you will make the progress of the task faster.
"All files" radio button enables testing of all files.
By choosing "Selected file types" radio box the testing of files listed on this page is enabled.
The list contains a brief description of the type of the files, and possibly also its extension. The file extension can also contain the wildcards, as "*" (asterisk) and "?" (question mark), the meaning of which is the same as in the case of the use in any other place in the operating system.
The adding of another type to the list of the tested types is possible through the popup menu. It will be displayed after pressing the right button of the mouse on the list of the types. The first three items of the popup menu are the preset types, by the checking off of which the type in question will be placed also to the list of the types. It concerns the following items: "All files types" - the test of all the types selected will be activated, "Executables" - only the executable files will be tested (including the libraries), and the list item "OLE documents" activates the test of the documents created by using OLE technology. If their checking off has been canceled, they are also automatically removed from the list of the types tested.
It is also possible to add the types from the database of known types to the list of the types. This can be done by using the "Browse types ..." command in the popup menu. If it is selected, the dialog containing the database of the known types of files will be displayed. It can contain either the most important types of the files or, after checking off the "Show all extensions" box, it will contain all the known types of the files. If you want to include a type into the list of the checked types, first make it active, and then press the "OK" button. After pressing the "Cancel" button the dialog will be closed and the list will remain unchanged.
The "Add template" command is used to enter the type of the files selected directly. After selecting it the user is enabled to write the type extension. After writing it and pressing the "Enter" key the new type is added to the list.
Types entered by user can be changed at any time - after click with left mouse button on appropriate type you will be able to edit it.
Firstly the file type of selected file is tested when the task is running. If the file is listed in the list on this page all operations will be performed with it. Otherwise the file will be skipped. The program (executable) files and OLE documents are tested by default.